Friday, August 22, 2008

If a blogger shouts into the wind, does anyone hear it?

I've often felt that blogging in the diary/journal sense is almost like shouting to the wind. There might be someone (or something) out there that can hear you, but if you don't know it, is it the same as a tree falling in the woods and no one hearing it?

When I was younger, if I was having a bad day, I used to go down to a man-made jetty that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. Sometimes, I'd just sit and stew. Sometimes I'd poke about to see what was around (seaweed, dead fish, water rat, etc.). Sometimes I'd shout. No matter what I did down there, I always felt better afterwards, even if just a little bit. I guess it might be like primal therapy, but I don't really know much about that. When I was in grad school, there was an apartment for rent advertised, and the apartment was located on a premises that held primal therapy sessions. Although on one level, I was curious to know what it would be like living in such a situation, I ultimately picked another place instead.

I don't live anywhere near where I did when I was younger, but sometimes I still want to just let out those same kinds of shouts. Lately I've been feeling that way because of very average problems at home reasons, but the desire for relief is still the same.

So here I am.

I don't know if this will just turn into a whine fest or what. Time will tell.