Friday, February 13, 2009

sixteen days--day one

Today was rough.

The good news is that the first thing I posted on my local freecycle has already been picked up and taken home by someone who is very happy to have it.

Strangely enough, apparently one of the folks I called on Craig's List about selling off some of our dupe comics passed my number along and I got a phone call today from a comics wholesaler who basically wanted what I have for less than a song. Now I know the economy is in the toilet, I know most of what I'm trying to move is from the glut era, and that the market is flooded right now because everyone is trying to make a buck anywhere they can, but I'd be insane to hand over the comics to this person at the price they were offering. The main reason I haven't been trying to sell the comics right now is because I know the market is flooded. So why am I going to let a smooth talking opportunistic SOB who doesn't give a darn about the comics other than their resale value when he ships them overseas in bulk have them? A small amount of fast cash would be nice, but I'd much rather enjoy the process of dealing with actual readers who really want the comics I have and don't need. For the price he was offering, I'd sleep a hell of a lot better donating the lot to a reading program rather than selling to him. The worst part is he tried to inquire as to my personal collection. I guess he's been dealing with a lot of desperate folks for him to feel cocky enough to toe the line there when I already made it quite clear that I was only looking to move dupes. I know my feelings towards him are uppity, but I have a hard time with people who deal in any form of human accomplishment that only see dollar signs when they look at it, instead of at least having some respect for the effort behind the endeavor.

We're still a bit in limbo about the move, because I'm still waiting to hear back from one of the folk we're hoping to rent from. She keeps telling me everything's fine and she just hasn't had time for our next meeting, but I'll feel a lot more confident when I have the signed lease in my hand.

One interesting thing that happened is that I had written in to a debt reduction forum, to seek advice while recounting our situation to see if there was anything I was missing out on that I should be starting to do. In the replies, the most common response was to move away from coastal areas because of the cost of living expenses. On one hand, I completely see the logic in this, but on the other hand, when I've made it clear that we're in a hand to mouth situation financially, how on Earth are we supposed to be able to make the leap? It's one thing to move to an area relatively close to where one currently is, it's a completely different story to research, check out and then move to a completely different area--especially when you know no one from said area you are moving to. (And from actual experience, even knowing people from the area sometimes doesn't help much if at all.) It's something I'm still turning over in my head, because they did have some great suggestions overall and I don't disagree with the notion, but I'm still reaching to find the way to do such a thing.

I didn't manage to pack anything today, although I do have a few more things I'm ready to freecycle. Hopefully tomorrow, we'll be giving away two desks which would be a huge help in the process.

Tomorrow we're supposed to have other possible tenants looking at our place, so I'll be doing some dishes tonight and trying to tidy a bit. Hopefully this won't turn into another reschedule. I'll also call around to try to find an animal shelter that will take the bedding and towels I've set aside that I know some shelters take so I can get them where they need to be as well.

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