Tuesday, September 29, 2009

finding inspiration

Getting back into business for myself is moving along at a snail's pace.

There are so many things that all too easily eat up time, but they are, none the less, things that need to get done. I am making steps here and there, but right now, I feel like I'm trodding in rice pudding. Not quite rolling rocks uphill, fortunately, but still slower than I'd like.

I know that back then, it was a lot different, mostly because it was all new, and building on the new. Now it's trying to reconstruct the old. I've never been the most patient person, so right now I'm not dealing with the timeline so well.

I have been noticing that lately, the oddest things are inspiring. At the moment, a music video someone created from their own music and a few clips from old Sagan Cosmos episodes, as well as a Hawkings snippet or two. Odd or not, I'm happy to take the inspiration where I can get it.

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